On Sep 9, 2008, at 3:05 PM, Christopher Tanner wrote:

I think I've found the problem / solution. With Ubuntu, there's a program called 'ldconfig' that updates the dynamic linker run-time bindings. Since Open MPI was compiled to use dynamic linking, these have to be updated. Thus, these commands have to be run on all of the nodes

$ sudo ldconfig -v /usr/local/lib
$ sudo ldconfig -v /usr/local/lib/openmpi

Note that you shouldn't need the 2nd of those -- the only things that should be in /usr/local/lib/openmpi should be plugins.

FWIW, I do not believe that this is a side effect of the Open MPI installation. The libraries you cited are part of the Intel compiler suite, not Open MPI. The above would work if the Intel libraries are also installed in /usr/local/lib. More specifically, if you had OMPI and the Intel compilers installed in different directories, you'd either need to run ldconfig on both of them or adjust your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include both.

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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