Your doing this on just one node? That would be using the OpenMPI SM transport, Last I knew it wasn't that optimized though should still be much faster than TCP.

I am surpised at your result though I do not have MPICH2 on the cluster right now I don't have time to compare.

How did you run the job?

Brock Palen
Center for Advanced Computing

On Oct 8, 2008, at 9:10 AM, Sangamesh B wrote:

Hi All,

I wanted to switch from mpich2/mvapich2 to OpenMPI, as OpenMPI supports both ethernet and infiniband. Before doing that I tested an application 'GROMACS' to compare the performance of MPICH2 & OpenMPI. Both have been compiled with GNU compilers.

After this benchmark, I came to know that OpenMPI is slower than MPICH2.

This benchmark is run on a AMD dual core, dual opteron processor. Both have compiled with default configurations.

The job is run on 2 nodes - 8 cores.

OpenMPI - 25 m 39 s.
MPICH2  -  15 m 53 s.

Any comments ..?

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