Eugene Loh wrote:

Sangamesh B wrote:

The job is run on 2 nodes - 8 cores.

OpenMPI - 25 m 39 s.
MPICH2  -  15 m 53 s.

I don't understand MPICH very well, but it seemed as though some of the flags used in building MPICH are supposed to be added in automatically to the mpicc/etc compiler wrappers.

Again, this may not apply to your case, but I found out some more details on my theory.

If you build MPICH2 like this:

   % configure CFLAGS=-O2
   % make

then when you use "mpicc" to build your application, you automatically get that optimization flag built in.

What had confused me was that I tried confirming the theory by building MPICH2 like this:

   % configure --enable-fast
   % make

That does *NOT* up the mpicc optimization level (despite their documentation).

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