I am having problems launching openmpi jobs on my system.  I support multiple 
of MPI and compilers using GNU Modules.  For the default compiler, everything 
is fine.
For non-default, I am having problems.

I built Openmpi-1.2.6 (and 1.2.7) with the following configure options:

# module load intel/10.1
# ./configure CC=icc CXX=icpc F77=ifort FC=ifort F90=ifort 
--prefix=/opt/openmpi/1.2.7-intel-10.1 --without-
gridengine --enable-io-romio --with-io-romio-flags=--with-file-sys=nfs+ufs 

When I launch a job, I run the module command for the right compiler/MPI 
version to set the paths
correctly.  Mpirun passes LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the executable I am launching, but 
not orted.

When orted is launched on the remote system, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
doesn't come with, and the Intel 10.1 libraries can't be found.

/opt/openmpi/1.2.7-intel-10.1/bin/orted: error while loading shared libraries: libintlc.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

How do others solve this problem?


Craig Tierney (craig.tier...@noaa.gov)

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