Am 14.10.2008 um 23:39 schrieb Craig Tierney:

Reuti wrote:
Am 14.10.2008 um 23:18 schrieb Craig Tierney:
Ralph Castain wrote:
I -think- there least here, it does seem to behave that way on our systems. Not sure if there is something done locally to make it work. Also, though, I have noted that LD_LIBRARY_PATH does seem to be getting forwarded on the 1.3 branch in some environments. OMPI isn't doing it directly to the best of my knowledge, but I think the base environment might be. Specifically, I noticed it on slurm earlier today. I'll check the others as far as I can.
Craig: what environment are you using? ssh?

We are using ssh (we do not use tight integration in SGE).
Hi Craig, may I ask why? You compiled Open MPI without SGE support, as in 1.2.7 it's in by default AFAIK? - Reuti

Only because we don't have it on.  When we first started using
SGE around 2002, we hadn't used it.  It is on our list of things to

This was still Codine 5.3 - or already SGE?

do, but it is not trivial to just turn on and validate. We compiled all versions of OpenMPI we have used (1.2.4,1.2.6, and 1.2.7) with --without- gridengine.

It's built-in and you don't need any special start- or stop_proc_args, just /bin/true will do. It could even be, that copying the CODINE_* to SGE_* might make Open MPI usable with Codine.

If you want to set some things for ssh login, you can put the necessary things in ~/.bashrc.

-- Reuti



On Oct 14, 2008, at 1:18 PM, George Bosilca wrote:
I use modules too, but they only work locally. Or is there a feature in "module" to automatically load the list of currently loaded local modules remotely ?


On Oct 14, 2008, at 3:03 PM, Ralph Castain wrote:

You might consider using something like "module" - we use that system for exactly this reason. Works quite well and solves the multiple compiler issue.


On Oct 14, 2008, at 12:56 PM, Craig Tierney wrote:

George Bosilca wrote:
The option to expand the remote LD_LIBRARY_PATH, in such a way that Open MPI related applications have their dependencies satisfied, is in the trunk. The fact that the compiler requires some LD_LIBRARY_PATH is out of the scope of an MPI implementation, and I don't think we should take care of it. Passing the local LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the remote nodes doesn't make much sense. There are plenty of environment, where the head node have a different configuration than the compute nodes. Again, in this case my original solution seems not that bad. If you copy (or make a link if you prefer) in the Open MPI lib directory to the compiler shared libraries, this will work.

This does work. It just increases maintenance for each new version of OpenMPI. How often does a head node have a different configuration than the compute node? It would see that this would even more support the passing of LD_LIBRARY_PATH for OpenMPI tools to support a heterogeneous
configuration as you described.


On Oct 14, 2008, at 12:11 PM, Craig Tierney wrote:
George Bosilca wrote:
This is a problem with the Intel libraries and not the Open MPI ones. You have to somehow make these libraries available on the compute nodes. What I usually do (but it's not the best way to solve this problem) is to copy these libraries somewhere on my home area and to add the directory to my LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

This is ok when you only ever use one compiler, but it isn't very flexible. I want to keep it as simple as possible for my users, while having a maintainable

The libraries are on the compute nodes, the problem deals with supporting multiple versions of compilers. I can't just list all of the lib paths in, because then the user will never get the correct one. I can't specify a static LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the same reason. I would prefer not
to build my system libraries static.

To the OpenMPI developers, what is your opinion on changing orterun/mpirun to pass LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the remote hosts when starting OpenMPI processes?
By hand, all that would be done is:


This would ensure that orted is launched correctly.

Or is it better to just build the OpenMPI tools statically? We also use other compilers (PGI, Lahey) so I need a solution that works for
all of them.


On Oct 10, 2008, at 6:17 PM, Craig Tierney wrote:
I am having problems launching openmpi jobs on my system. I support multiple versions of MPI and compilers using GNU Modules. For the default compiler, everything is fine.
For non-default, I am having problems.

I built Openmpi-1.2.6 (and 1.2.7) with the following configure options:

# module load intel/10.1
# ./configure CC=icc CXX=icpc F77=ifort FC=ifort F90=ifort --prefix=/opt/openmpi/1.2.7-intel-10.1 --without- gridengine --enable-io-romio --with-io-romio-flags=--with- file-sys=nfs+ufs --with-openib=/opt/hjet/ofed/1.3.1

When I launch a job, I run the module command for the right compiler/MPI version to set the paths correctly. Mpirun passes LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the executable I am launching, but not orted.

When orted is launched on the remote system, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH doesn't come with, and the Intel 10.1 libraries can't be found.

/opt/openmpi/1.2.7-intel-10.1/bin/orted: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

How do others solve this problem?


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