That is odd. Is your user's app crashing or being forcibly killed? The ORTE daemon that is silently launched in v1.2 jobs should ensure that files under /tmp/openmpi-sessions-<userid>@<hostname> are removed.

On Nov 10, 2008, at 2:14 PM, Ray Muno wrote:

Brock Palen wrote:
on most systems /dev/shm is limited to half the physical ram. Was the user someone filling up /dev/shm so there was no space?

The problem is there is a large collection of stale files left in there by the users that have run on that node (Rocks based cluster).

I am trying to determine why they are left behind.

Ray Muno
University of Minnesota
Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics
users mailing list

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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