On Dec 6, 2008, at 10:32 AM, Максим Чусовлянов wrote:

Hello. Thanks for your response. I'm create a my module and component into the coll. But when I execute autogen.sh, it's return ../../libtool: line 847: X--tag=CC: command not found ../../libtool: line 880: libtool: ignoring unknown tag : command not found
../../libtool: line 847: X--mode=compile: command not found
I have a libtool v 1.5.26. Can you get me a some guide about create configure.m4.

You might want to upgrade your Libtool; Libtool 2.x has been stable for quite some time now. See the HACKING file in the top-level Open MPI directory for how to upgrade your GNU Auto/Libtools.

If upgrading your Auto tools doesn't work, let's move this conversation to the devel list and send all relevant information (e.g., your configure.m4, autogen.sh output, etc.), and we'll diagnose from there.

Good example configure.m4 files can be found throughout the OMPI code base; do a "find . -name configure.m4" from the top-level dir and you'll see all of them. A relatively simple one to template from is ompi/mca/btl/tcp/configure.m4 (it only has one test in it, but you can see that you're required to define an M4 macro named MCA_coll_<your_component_name>_CONFIG). Just make sure to s/btl_tcp/ coll_<your component name>/ in your configure.m4. Keep in mind that per my first mail, you may not need a configure.m4 -- you only need configure.m4 if you need configure to figure out if your component can build (e.g., if you need some specific libraries or header files that aren't generally universally installed on POSIX-like operating systems, such as support for specific network libraries/hardware like MX, OpenFabrics, etc.).

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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