Brock --

I'd love to do it. Let me ping George and see who else may be interested; we'll coordinate specific times and whatnot off-list.

On Jan 8, 2009, at 9:05 PM, Brock Palen wrote:

Hi List,

I am starting up a PodCast on my own time on HPC/Research Computing. One of the requested topics was OpenMPI.

Website is:

Please send me on the site any topics or software you would like to hear. Also you can see a listing of current nominations.

Jeff I know you just did SC and one with FLOSS weekly,
Would you and George be available for 30-60 minutes on skype some time? Is there other core OpenMPI people who want to do this instead let me know.

Brock Palen
Center for Advanced Computing

users mailing list

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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