Ew.  Yes, I can see this being a problem.

I'm guessing that the real issue is that OMPI embeds the libltdl from LT 2.2.6a inside libopen_pal (one of the internal OMPI libraries). Waving my hands a bit, but it's not hard to imagine some sort of clash is going on between the -lltdl you added to the command line and the libltdl that is embedded in OMPI's libraries.

Can you verify that this is what is happening?

If it is, I wonder if we should petition the LT authors to give us a configure option to prefix all the symbols in libltdl so that we don't get clashes like this -- similar to what we do with libevent and PLPA (both of which are also embedded in Open MPI's internal libraries).

On Jan 23, 2009, at 9:04 AM, Roy Dragseth wrote:

Hi, all.

I do not know if this is to be considered a real bug or not, I'm just
reporting it here so people can find it if they google around for the error
message this produces.  There is a backtrace at the end of this mail.

Problem description:

Openmpi 1.3 seems to be nonfunctional when used with libltdl in libtool v1.5 that is installed on CentOS (aka RH EL) 4 and 5. Upgrading to libtool v2.2.6a (and maybe earlier versions) solves the problem. We saw this problem
with both gcc and icc.

Here is a code snippet that is extracted from the real application.

#include <mpi.h>
#include <ltdl.h>

int main(int argc,char *argv[])

 char *dummy="dummy";
 const lt_dlhandle hModule = lt_dlopenext(dummy);


This will crash in MPI_Init when using libtool 1.5.X, if you comment out
lt_dlopenext it will run normally.

I can provide a complete example if neccessary.

As I said earlier, upgrading to libtool 2.2.6a solved the problem for us.

Here is the backtrace:

*** Process received signal ***
Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
Signal code:  (128)
Failing at address: (nil)
[ 0] /lib64/tls/libpthread.so.0 [0x3ffce0c4f0]
[ 1] /global/apps/openmpi/1.3rc2/lib/libopen-pal.so.0 [0x2a95d4bce5]
[ 2] /global/apps/openmpi/1.3rc2/lib/libopen-pal.so.0(lt_dlopenadvise
+0xf0) [0x2a95d4b470]
[ 3] /global/apps/openmpi/1.3rc2/lib/libopen-pal.so.0 [0x2a95d56e1f]
[ 4] /global/apps/openmpi/1.3rc2/lib/libopen-
pal.so.0(mca_base_component_find+0x58d) [0x2a95d5657d]
[ 5] /global/apps/openmpi/1.3rc2/lib/libopen-
pal.so.0(mca_base_components_open+0x1ae) [0x2a95d581be]
[ 6] /global/apps/openmpi/1.3rc2/lib/libopen-
pal.so.0(opal_paffinity_base_open+0xad) [0x2a95d73ddd]
[ 7] /global/apps/openmpi/1.3rc2/lib/libopen-pal.so.0(opal_init+0x64)
[ 8] /global/apps/openmpi/1.3rc2/lib/libopen-rte.so.0(orte_init+0x1e)
[ 9] /global/apps/openmpi/1.3rc2/lib/libmpi.so.0 [0x2a95a38fee]
[10] /global/apps/openmpi/1.3rc2/lib/libmpi.so.0(PMPI_Init_thread +0x72)
[11] nest-ompi_1.3rc2/bin/nest(_ZN4nest12Communicator4initEPiPPPc +0x11f)
[12] nest-ompi_1.3rc2/bin/nest(main+0x74) [0x4a7674]
[13] /lib64/tls/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xdb) [0x339271c3fb]
[14] nest-ompi_1.3rc2/bin/nest(_ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev+0x5a) [0x4a756a]
*** End of error message ***


 The Computer Center, University of Tromsø, N-9037 TROMSØ Norway.
              phone:+47 77 64 41 07, fax:+47 77 64 41 00
       Roy Dragseth, Team Leader, High Performance Computing
         Direct call: +47 77 64 62 56. email: roy.drags...@uit.no

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