On Thu, 29 Jan 2009, Paul Wardman wrote:

I'm using R on a Ubuntu 8.10 machine, and, in particular, quite a lot of
papply calls to analyse data. I'm currently using the LAM implementation,
as it's the only one I've got to work properly. However, while it works
fine on one PC, it fails with the error message

Error in mpi.comm.spawn(slave = system.file("Rslaves.sh", package =
"Rmpi"),  :
  MPI_Error_string: error spawning process

when I try to run it over a network on two machines. However, I've got
passwordless ssh working fine, and the lamnodes command seems to suggest
I've got all the nodes up and running fine (the other computer is also
Ubuntu 8.10) and lamhosts() from within R shows all the nodes perfectly
well. I've even got mpirun to work on both machines.

Can anyone help with (A) getting my current setup with R to work and / or
(B) suggestions for getting OpenMPI to work at all! (and preferably on
multiple machines).

For help with LAM/MPI, I'd suggest posting to the LAM mailing list, although I don't think we'll be able to help you much, since it looks like R's MPI package ends up eating the useful error message. It might be useful to ask the developers of that package if they've seen such problems before.

For Open MPI, you're going to have to provide a bit more detail (like what doesn't work!).


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