Dear everyone,

I apologize in advance for coming back with a common issue again.

Differently from other threads though, I was able to configure, make
and make install openMPI on my macbook 10.5.

What I used was the fowlling configure call:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-mpi-f77 --enable-mpi-f90
F77=ifort FC=ifort FFLAGS="-m32 -std=legacy"
--with-wrapper-fflags="-m32 -std=legacy" --with-mpi-f90-size=medium
--enable-mpirun-prefix-by-default FCFLAGS="-m32"


sudo make install

When I verify if the compilation occurred correctly as in being
supporting Fortran, by running


I correctly obtain:
 Fortran77 bindings: yes (single underscore)
 Fortran90 bindings: yes

The PROBLEM comes now: when I try to run mpif90 or mpif77 I still get the error:

"Unfortunately, this installation of Open MPI was not compiled with
Fortran 90 support.  As such, the mpif90 compiler is non-functional."

Woudl anyone be able to help me understand this ? I would really
appreciate your support

Thank you in advance

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