Ralph Castain wrote:
Never seen that one before, though we did put the test in there "just in case".

Basically, this message indicates that the system returned an error when we attempted to dup2 the stdout/err file descriptors so we could setup a pipe by which we can forward that output to you.

I have no idea why the system would refuse the request. You might check your fd limits to see if they are strangely low, or write a little test program to see if there is something strange about pipe permissions.

Most likely thing I can think of, though, is that you possibly are picking up incompatible libraries, or something got crosswise during build.

Thanks for trying to help me.

I've got in this file :  /usr/include/linux/limits.h
#define NR_OPEN         1024
Is it ok ?
Trixy03:~# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max
Seems fine no ?

How can i write a test code for the pipe permissions? May i've something wrong in my /dev ? (right permissions ?)

For the library part, i don't know how to check that. On linux, every libs are in /usr/lib.


On Feb 11, 2009, at 3:10 AM, Mr Yann JOBIC wrote:

Hello all,

I compiled ompi v1.3 (tarball) with the intel compiler on debian etch. Everything went fine, thanks for the FAQ (quite complet)

But, when i'm running a job, i've got this error :
Trixy03-jobic% mpirun --verbose --debug-daemons -np 4 ./exe
[Trixy03:15140] [[19525,0],0] orted_cmd: received add_local_procs
[Trixy03:15140] [[19525,0],0] node[0].name Trixy03 daemon 0 arch ffc91200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mpirun was unable to launch the specified application as it encountered an error:

Error: pipe function call failed when setting up I/O forwarding subsystem
Node: Trixy03

while attempting to start process rank 0.

I don't understand what's going on, and how to debug...
I compiled mpich1, and i can successfully launch a job.

Have you got some ideas of what's going on ?

Many thanks,


PS : Some possible interesting information :
Open MPI SVN revision: r20295
Open MPI release date: Jan 19, 2009
Open RTE: 1.3
Build CFLAGS: -DNDEBUG -mp1 -m64 -O3 -fno-alias -msse3 -static-intel -finline-functions -fno-strict-aliasing -restrict -fexceptions -pthread -fvisibility=hidden Build CXXFLAGS: -DNDEBUG -mp1 -m64 -O3 -fno-alias -msse3 -static-intel -finline-functions -fexceptions -pthread
Build FFLAGS: -mp1 -m64 -O3 -fno-alias -msse3 -static-intel -fexceptions
Build FCFLAGS: -mp1 -m64 -O3 -fno-alias -msse3 -static-intel -fexceptions -fexceptions
Build LDFLAGS: -export-dynamic  -fexceptions
Build LIBS: -lnsl -lutil Wrapper extra CFLAGS: -fexceptions -pthread
Wrapper extra CXXFLAGS: -fexceptions -pthread
Wrapper extra FFLAGS: -fexceptions
Wrapper extra FCFLAGS: -fexceptions
Wrapper extra LDFLAGS: Wrapper extra LIBS: -ldl -Wl,--export-dynamic -lnsl -lutil


HPC engineer
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