   I use openmpi. I have installed it in the directory :

If I execute a test with openMPI (for exemple helloworld!!!) I have the
next problem:
/*[nmoulin@clusterdell ~/mpi-test]$ mpirun -np 4 mpi-test
libibverbs: Fatal: couldn't read uverbs ABI version.
[0,1,1]: OpenIB on host node01 was unable to find any HCAs.
Another transport will be used instead, although this may result in
lower performance.
[0,1,1]: uDAPL on host node01 was unable to find any NICs.
Another transport will be used instead, although this may result in
lower performance.
libibverbs: Fatal: couldn't read uverbs ABI version.
[0,1,2]: OpenIB on host node02 was unable to find any HCAs.
Another transport will be used instead, although this may result in
lower performance.
[0,1,2]: uDAPL on host node02 was unable to find any NICs.
Another transport will be used instead, although this may result in
lower performance.
libibverbs: Fatal: couldn't read uverbs ABI version.
[0,1,0]: OpenIB on host node01 was unable to find any HCAs.
Another transport will be used instead, although this may result in
lower performance.
[0,1,0]: uDAPL on host node01 was unable to find any NICs.
Another transport will be used instead, although this may result in
lower performance.
libibverbs: Fatal: couldn't read uverbs ABI version.
[0,1,3]: OpenIB on host node02 was unable to find any HCAs.
Another transport will be used instead, although this may result in
lower performance.
[0,1,3]: uDAPL on host node02 was unable to find any NICs.
Another transport will be used instead, although this may result in
lower performance.
Hello world! from processor 0 out of 4
Hello world! from processor 1 out of 4
Hello world! from processor 2 out of 4
Hello world! from processor 3 out of 4
[nmoulin@clusterdell ~/mpi-test]$ */

So the job is executated but there's some errors. Now, if I execute the
same job with
the mca parameters all is OK.....hum I think.
/*[nmoulin@clusterdell ~/mpi-test]$ mpirun -mca btl tcp,self -np 4 mpi-test
Hello world! from processor 0 out of 4
Hello world! from processor 1 out of 4
Hello world! from processor 3 out of 4
Hello world! from processor 2 out of 4
[nmoulin@clusterdell ~/mpi-test]$*/

I've try to get the mca parameters in the file
but it seems not to take into account....
Can you help me do that?
Kind regards,

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