On Feb 13, 2009, at 4:39 AM, jody wrote:

Yes, it was doing no sensible work -
It was only intended to show the error message.

I now downloaded the latest nightly tarball and installed it,
and used your version of the test programm. It works -
*if* is use the entire path to mpirun:

[jody@localhost 3D]$  /opt/openmpi-1.3.1a0r20534/bin/mpirun -np 2 ./sr

That's interesting. Note that if you give the full pathname to mpirun, it is the same as using the --prefix option to mpirun.

This leads me to suspect that you have a version mismatch of Open MPI somewhere. Can you verify that you are using only one version of Open MPI and not accidentally using multiple versions when you mpirun?

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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