Can you send all the information listed here:

On Feb 12, 2009, at 8:48 PM, Ramya Narasimhan wrote:

I have entered the IP address of the system in the hosts file (twice the IP for two CPU's) .I don't know about this mca parameter. Can you please tell me about this or any reference material for this parameter? Actually the input file is to perform minimization of the protein using CHARMM program. It is not giving any error message as which rank stopped. The output shows that the first charmm stops and the job runs on the other which is fully completed. When I tried to check for the CPU's it actually encounts, I gave the command in charmm and it replied only one CPU. Is there anything wrong in the way of adding CPU's?
Thanks for help

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 9:49 AM, Ralph Castain <> wrote:
Could you pass along what is in your hosts file? Did you set any mca params in the default mca parameter file, or in your environ?

I note that you redirected stdin. Which rank is running and which is stopped? How big is your input file? I am not familiar with your program - are both ranks expecting to get stdin, or only rank=0?


On Feb 12, 2009, at 9:12 PM, Ramya Narasimhan wrote:

Hi All,
I am a new user of Open MPI. I have installed open mpi-1.3 on a RedHat Linux-5 ver system with F77 set as gfortran compiler. I tested the programs in examples and all ran. When I tried the CHARMM program with mpirun (2 CPU's) the job runs on single processor and it is stopped in the other. Actually I clarified that the error is not with CHARMM. Is there any error in my MPI procedure? I gave the job run as

mpirun -hostfile hosts -np 2 charmm < *.inp
Thanks for any help.
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