It does not hang for me...

But I do notice one odd thing in your extended program: you send 3 characters of the string "hi2" -- that will not include the trailing \0.

You might want to send 4 characters to ensure to include the trailing \0.

On Mar 25, 2009, at 9:52 AM, Lionel Gamet wrote:

Dear openmpi users and developers,

I encounter dead-lock problems with spawn processes in openmpi, as
soon as more than one Send/Recv operation is done.

The test case I used has been extracted from the MPICH2 examples. It is
a simple parent/child program. The original version (see attached file
parent+child_from_MPICH2.tar.gz) works well under openmpi.
I use commands in run.cmd to compile and execute this example.

I have tried to add one more communication by duplicating the send/ recv calls of the original MPICH2 source (see modified files in attached tar
archive parent+child_with_more_send_recv.tar.gz) and get dead-lock
problems when executing this modified version ...

Can anybody reproduce this ? I am using openmpi version 1.3 on a
Linux CentOS 5.2 (i386), with all updates of the distribution done.
See also attached file ompi_info.txt.gz (result of the command ompi_info

Thanks in advance for any hints,

Best regards

<parent+child_from_MPICH2.tar.gz><parent + child_with_more_send_recv .tar.gz><ompi_info.txt.gz><Lionel_Gamet.vcf><ATT7299515.txt>

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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