You should not be invoking orted manually -- getting errors when you invoke orted manually is probably to be expected.

Can you answer the questions from my original mail?  Thanks.

On Mar 27, 2009, at 6:29 PM, Russell McQueeney wrote:

Jeff Squyres wrote:
> Hmm -- puzzling -- the error file you sent shows the following:
> bash: /opt/openmpi/orted: No such file or directory
> But that shouldn't happen; according to your config.log, you installed > with a prefix of /opt/openmpi, so Open MPI should be looking for orted
> in /opt/openmpi/bin/orted.
> You said that the command was
>> command = mpirun --hostfile hostfile -np 2 echo `uname -a`
> Is there any chance that you ran with mpirun's absolute filename, such
> as:
> /opt/openmpi/bin/mpirun --hostfile hostfile -np 2 echo `uname -a`
> Or do you have any aliases involved?  I can't imagine how you're
> getting that error message -- Open MPI should never use a full path
> name for orted unless you specified --prefix on the mpirun command
> line (which you didn't), or youused a full path name for mpirun (which
> it looks like you didn't, and even if you did use
> /opt/openmpi/bin/mpirun, it should use that path to look for
> /opt/openmpi/bin/orted on the other node). Otherwise, Open MPI relies
> on the PATH set in your shell startup files on remote nodes to find
> the orted.
> This is very odd -- can you look at the exact command that is being
> executed on the remote node?

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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