Ok this is weird, and the correct answer is probably "don't do that",

User wants to run many many small jobs, faster than our scheduler +torque can start, he uses pbsdsh to start them in parallel, under tm.

pbsdsh bash -c 'cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR/$PBS_VNODENUM; mpirun -np 1 application'

This is kinda silly because the code while MPI based, when ran on single rank does not require mpirun to start, and just just fine if you leave off mpirun.

What happens though if you do leave it on (this is with ompi-1.2.x) you get errors about

[nyx428.engin.umich.edu:01929] pls:tm: failed to poll for a spawned proc, return status = 17002 [nyx428.engin.umich.edu:01929] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: In errno in file rmgr_urm.c at line 462

Kinda makes sense, pbsdsh has already started 'mpirun' under tm, and now mpirun is trying to start a process also under tm. In fact with older versions (1.2.0). The above will work fine only for the first TMNODE, any second node, will hang, at 'poll()' if you strace it.

To we can solve the above by not using mpirun to start single processes under tm that were spawned by tm in the first place. Just thought you would like to know.

Is there a way to have mpirun spawn all the processes like pbsdsh? Problem is the code is MPI based, so if you say 'run 4' its going to do the noraml COMM_SIZE=4, only read first input, etc. Also we have to change the CWD of each rank. Thus can you make mpirun farm?

Brock Palen
Center for Advanced Computing

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