Thank you Sir the problem was with the paths of 'bin' and 'lib' folders so i
used de *mpirun --prefix* command. I want to run a program 'pi' now using
the cluster, so where do i place de file on de master and the compute nodes?

Also how do i come to know that the program is using resources of both the

On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 7:05 PM, Jeff Squyres <> wrote:

> It might be best to:
> 1. Setup a non-root user to run MPI applications
> 2. Setup SSH keys between the hosts for this non-root user so that you can
> "ssh <otherhost> uptime" and not be prompted for a password/passphrase
> This should help.
> On Apr 4, 2009, at 5:51 AM, Ankush Kaul wrote:
>   I followed the steps given here to setup up openMPI cluster :
>> My cluster consists of two nodes, master( and
>> salve(, connected directly through a cross cable.
>> After setting up the cluster n configuring the master node, i mounted
>>  /tmp folder of master node on the slave node(i had some problems with nfs
>> at first but i worked my way out of it).
>> Then i copied the 'pi.c' program in the /tmp folder and successfully
>> complied it, giving me a binary file 'pi'.
>> Now when i try to run the binary file using the following command
>> #mpirun –np 2 ./Pi
>> root@'s password:
>> <it asks for the password>
>> after entering the password it gives the following error:
>> bash: orted: command not found
>> [ccomp.cluster:18963] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Timeout in file
>> base/pls_base_orted_cmds.c at line 275
>> [ccomp.cluster:18963] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Timeout in file
>> pls_rsh_module.c at line 1166
>> [ccomp.cluster:18963] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Timeout in file errmgr_hnp.c
>> at line 90
>> [ccomp.cluster:18963] ERROR: A daemon on node failed to
>> start as expected.
>> [ccomp.cluster:18963] ERROR: There may be more information available from
>> [ccomp.cluster:18963] ERROR: the remote shell (see above).
>> [ccomp.cluster:18963] ERROR: The daemon exited unexpectedly with status
>> 127.
>> [ccomp.cluster:18963] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Timeout in file
>> base/pls_base_orted_cmds.c at line 188
>> [ccomp.cluster:18963] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Timeout in file
>> pls_rsh_module.c at line 1198
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> mpirun was unable to cleanly terminate the daemons for this job. Returned
>> value Timeout instead of ORTE_SUCCESS.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> I am totally lost now, as this is the first time i am working on a cluster
>> project, and need some help
>> Thank you
>> Ankush
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> Jeff Squyres
> Cisco Systems
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