Terry Frankcombe a écrit :
> I'm no SGE expert.  But don't you have a PE available that simply
> allocates nodes and calls your script?  Then you can specify in your
> script any mpirun you want, and it all should still work.
> Alternatively, can't you shut down the SGE-called mpirun as the first
> thing you do, then continue on calling your own mpirun?  All this
> depends on exactly how your machine and SGE is set up.
> I don't see how statically linking your app avoids this issue at all, if
> you're still calling the wrong mpirun.
Thanks for your suggestions.
My trials are not a prioritary task in my duty, and furthermore not
really done in a scientific way I must admit, so that I could very well
have misunderstood what was the signification of the problems that
prevented me from executing my code using faster
settings/compilers/libraries than the default one. (I have made quite a
lot of attempts but each time during a small amount of time).
The important thing for me now is that I can at last develop on my own
new PC and test my code there (the dynamic code stops before doing
anything when run). I will reconsider things, when we will have a new
cluster around october.

Sorry for the confusion in my messages.


Sincerely yours,

Michel DEVEL

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