Regardless of MPI, when sending C++ object over the network you have to serialize their contents. The structures, or classes, have to be coded to a stream of bytes, sent over the network, then recoded into their complex object types by the receiving application. There is no way to send object instances in their original memory format because the object layout is dependent on the machine/memory/compiler (plus a number of other things, I'm simplifying here).

boost offers a library to easy the serialization work, but you still have to provide hooks to convert the object to a network format.

On Jul 5, 2009, at 8:54 PM, Luis Vitorio Cargnini wrote:


So, after some explanation I start to use the bindings of C inside my C++ code, then comme my new doubt: How to send a object through Send and Recv of MPI ? Because the types are CHAR, int, double, long double, you got.
Someone have any suggestion ?

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