Which language bindings?

For Fortran, consider pack or reshape.  (I *think* whether array
sections are bundled off into temporary, contiguous storage is

Isn't it easier to broadcast the size first?

On Tue, 2009-07-21 at 11:53 +0530, Prasadcse Perera wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm writing an application which requires sending some variable size
> of sub matrices to a set of processes by a lead process who holds the
> original matrix.  Here, the matrices are square matrices and the
> receiving process doesn't  know the size of the receiving matrix. In
> MPI_Bcast, I have seen that we can broadcast a whole matrix. Is there
> a similar way to do this with a derived data type for the matrices
> which we can send a matrix without looping the blocks ?.
> Thanks,
> Prasad.
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