mpirun --display-allocation --display-map

Run a batch job that just prints out $PBS_NODEFILE. I'll bet that it isn't what we are expecting, and that the problem comes from it.

In a Torque environment, we read that file to get the list of nodes and #slots/node that are allocated to your job. We then filter that through any hostfile you provide. So all the nodes have to be in the $PBS_NODEFILE, which has to be in the expected format.

I'm a little suspicious, though, because of your reported error. It sounds like we are indeed trying to launch a daemon on a known node. I can only surmise a couple of possible reasons for the failure:

1. this is a node that is not allocated for your use. Was node0006 in your allocation?? If not, then the launch would fail. This would indicate we are not parsing the nodefile correctly.

2. if the node is in your allocation, then I would wonder if you have a TCP connection between that node and the one where mpirun exists. Is there a firewall in the way? Or something that would preclude a connection? Frankly, I doubt this possibility because it works when run manually.

My money is on option #1. :-)

If it is #1 and you send me a copy of a sample $PBS_NODEFILE on your system, I can create a way to parse it so we can provide support for that older version.


On Jul 21, 2009, at 4:44 PM, Song, Kai Song wrote:

Hi Ralph,

Thanks a lot for the fast response.

Could you give me more instructions on which command do I put "-- display-allocation" and "--display-map" with? mpirun? ./configure?...

Also,we have tested that in our PBS script, if we put node=1, the helloworld works. But, when I put node=2 or more, it will hang until timeout . And the error message will be something like:
node0006 - daemon did not report back when launched

However, if we don't go through the scheduler and run mpi manually, everything works fine too. /home/software/ompi/1.3.2-pgi/bin/mpirun -machinefile ./nodes -np 16 ./a.out

What do you think the problem would be? It's not the network issue, because manually running MPI works. That is why we question about torque compatibility.

Thanks again,


Kai Song
<> 1.510.486.4894
High Performance Computing Services (HPCS) Intern
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -

----- Original Message -----
From: Ralph Castain <>
Date: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 12:12 pm
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Open-MPI-1.3.2 compatibility with old torque?
To: Open MPI Users <>

I'm afraid I have no idea - I've never seen a Torque version that old,
however, so it is quite possible that we don't work with it. It
also looks
like it may have been modified (given the p2-aspen3 on the end), so
I have
no idea how the system would behave.

First thing you could do is verify that the allocation is being read
correctly. Add a --display-allocation to the cmd line and see what
we think
Torque gave us. Then add --display-map to see where it plans to
place the

If all that looks okay, and if you allow ssh, then try -mca plm rsh
on the
cmd line and see if that works.


On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 12:57 PM, Song, Kai Song <>
Hi All,

I am building open-mpi-1.3.2 on centos-3.4, with torque-1.1.0p2-
aspen3 and
myrinet. I compiled it just fine with this configuration:
./configure --prefix=/home/software/ompi/1.3.2-pgi --with-
gm=/usr/local/> --with-gm-libdir=/usr/local/lib64/ --enable-static -
--with-tm=/usr/ --without-threads CC=pgcc CXX=pgCC FC=pgf90
F77=pgf77> LDFLAGS=-L/usr/lib64/torque/

However, when I submit jobs for 2 or more nodes through the torque
schedular, the jobs just hang here. It shows the RUN state, but no
communication between the nodes, then jobs will die with timeout.

We have comfirmed that the myrinet is working because our lam-mpi-
7.1 works
just fine. We are having a really hard time determining what are
the causes
for this problem. So, we suspect it's because our torque is too old.

What is the lowest version requirement of torque for open-mpi-
1.3.2? The
README file didn't specify this detail. Does anyone know more
about it?

Thanks in advance,

Kai Song
<> 1.510.486.4894
High Performance Computing Services (HPCS) Intern
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -

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