On Mon, 2009-07-27 at 23:56 -0700, Jacob Balthazor wrote:
> I ran the command, how would you interpret these results to create a  
> path for my include?
> [beowulf1@localhost ~]$ whereis libmpi.so
> libmpi:
> [beowulf1@localhost ~]$

I'd interpret it as you've got things stashed in strange places (whereis
looks in a well-defined set of places).  On my machine:
 whereis libmpi.so
libmpi: /usr/local/lib/libmpi.la /usr/local/lib/libmpi.so

Try: find / -name 'libmpi*'

Or work out how to convince yum to show you all installed files from
that package.  In apt-based systems this is easy.  I'd be surprised if
it's not in yum.

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