Hello all,

I'm using hpc8.2 :
Lidia-jobic% ompi_info
Displaying Open MPI information for 32-bit ...
                Package: ClusterTools 8.2
               Open MPI: 1.3.3r21324-ct8.2-b09j-r40

And i've got a X4600 machine (8*4 cores).

When i'm trying to run a 32 processor jobs, i've got :

Lidia-jobic% mpiexec --mca opal_set_max_sys_limits 1 -n 32 ./exe
[Lidia:29384] [[61597,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: The system limit on number of pipes a process can open was reached in file base/iof_base_setup.c at line 112 [Lidia:29384] [[61597,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: The system limit on number of pipes a process can open was reached in file odls_default_module.c at line 203 [Lidia:29384] [[61597,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: The system limit on number of network connections a process can open was reached in file oob_tcp.c at line 446
Error: system limit exceeded on number of network connections that can be open

This can be resolved by setting the mca parameter opal_set_max_sys_limits to 1,
increasing your limit descriptor setting (using limit or ulimit commands),
or asking the system administrator to increase the system limit.

I tried the ulimit, the mca parameter, i've got no idea of where to look at.
I've got the same computer under linux, and it's working fine...

Have you seen it ?
Do you know a way to bypass it ?

Many thanks,



HPC engineer
Polytech Marseille DME
Technopôle de Château Gombert
5 rue Enrico Fermi
13453 Marseille cedex 13
Tel : (33) 4 91 10 69 39
 ou  (33) 4 91 10 69 43
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