Hi Ralph,

Thank you for you help. This is exactly what I wanted!



Ralph Castain wrote:
Hmmm...well, here is one way to do it:

mpirun -n 1 -host n0 ./master_worker : -n N-1 -host +e ./master_worker

What this will do is put rank 0 on the first node in your allocation, and then all the remaining ranks on the remaining nodes in the allocation. All the ranks will be in the same comm_world.

Check out "man orte_hosts" for a detailed explanation (with examples) of this "relative node indexing" syntax.


On Sep 10, 2009, at 3:57 PM, jgans wrote:

A single app:

mpirun -N ./master_worker



Ralph Castain wrote:
Is the master a different app, or is the same app used?

In other words, do you run this as:

mpirun -n 1 ./master: -n N worker


mpirun -N ./master_worker

Either way, I can advise you on a better way to accomplish your goal

On Sep 10, 2009, at 2:58 PM, Jason D. Gans wrote:


I have a master/worker bioinformatics application where the master has a
higher memory overhead than the workers. I want to restrict the master
node to a single slot (to prevent the master node from getting
oversubscribed and having workers compete for precious ram), while all
other non-master nodes can be oversubscribed (infinite max_slot).



I guess I'm puzzled, then. First, hostfile and Torque work fine
together in the 1.3 series - it was the 1.2 series that had the problem.

Second, the default max_slot setting is taken from the slots allocated
to you by Torque. I don't see the purpose in changing them - you can
always oversubscribe the node anyway.

Perhaps you could explain more about what you are trying to do? You
may find that there is a much simpler solution already in place.

On Sep 10, 2009, at 2:07 PM, Jason D. Gans wrote:

What OMPI version are you talking about?

version 1.3.1

On Sep 10, 2009, at 1:40 PM, Jason D. Gans wrote:


I would like to use a custom hostfile (that changes the default
values for certain nodes). My understanding of the FAQ is that
this is
*not* possible with Torque. Therefore, is is possible to disable use
Torque at runtime (via an argument to mpirun), or do I need to
to remove Torque support altogether.


Jason Gans
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