Jeff Squyres píše v Út 15. 09. 2009 v 16:55 +0200:
> On Sep 15, 2009, at 5:36 AM, Dominik Táborský wrote:
> > So I have to manually copy the compiled hello world program to all of
> > the nodes so that they can be executed? I really didn't expect that...
> >
> How would you expect us to execute something that doesn't exist?  :-)

I had a different idea of how it works in my mind... :-)

> > So, where (in the filesystem) does the executable have to be? On the
> > same place as on the master?
> >
> That's one way to do it.  In general, if you specify a naked  
> executable name, we look for it in the PATH on each of the target  
> machines.  We automatically append "." to your PATH on each node, so  
> if you "mpirun ... hello" and hello is in your CWD, then we'll find it.
> As Lenny mentioned, it's a fairly common scenario to use NFS to export  
> your executable to all nodes where it is needed to run.

Thanks for the answers, I highly appreciate any help! :-)

Now, openmpi finds the executable, but a new problem appears - it cannot
create a pipe or something. I'll try to figure it out on my own, but if
I don't succeed, I'll create a new thread.

Again, thank you very much, Jeff and Lenny!


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