Hi folks,

I am misunderstanding with OpenMPI. I cannot run jobs compiled by OpenMPI on 
several nodes.
It is running only on the one node. But also in this case jobs are not finished 
sometimes. Its make 
output and hang.
But other MPI implementations (mpich, mpich2, mvapich1, mvapich2) work 
perfectly during one
year already.

I compiled OpenMPI like this:
./configure --prefix=/opt/openmpi-133 --enable-mpi-threads 
--enable-progress-threads --with-tm=/opt/torque 
and installed it to the some directory an all nodes.

I already explained my problem here:

I try to exclude anything (use default config) and submit jobs directly with 
different options for verbosity which was proposed in FAQ.

So, what is the problem? What tests can I run for finding solution?


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