Are there are tuning parameters than I can use to reduce the amount of memory 
used by OpenMPI?  I would very much like to use OpenMPI instead of MVAPICH, but 
I'm on a cluster where memory usage is the most important consideration. Here 
are three results which capture the problem:

With the "leave_pinned" behavior turned on, I get good performance (19.528, 
lower is better)

mpirun --prefix /usr/mpi/intel/openmpi-1.2.8 --machinefile 
/var/spool/torque/aux/7972.fwnaeglingio -np 28 --mca btl ^tcp  --mca 
mpi_leave_pinned 1 --mca mpool_base_use_mem_hooks 1 -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH -x 
MPI_ENVIRONMENT=1 /tmp/7972.fwnaeglingio/falconv4_ibm_openmpi -cycles 100 -ri 
restart.0 -ro /tmp/7972.fwnaeglingio/restart.0
Compute rate (processor-microseconds/cell/cycle):   19.528
Total memory usage:    38155.3477 MB (38.1553 GB)

Turning off the leave_pinned behavior, I get considerably slower performance 
(28.788), but the memory usage is unchanged (still 38 GB)

mpirun --prefix /usr/mpi/intel/openmpi-1.2.8 --machinefile 
/var/spool/torque/aux/7972.fwnaeglingio -np 28 -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH -x 
MPI_ENVIRONMENT=1 /tmp/7972.fwnaeglingio/falconv4_ibm_openmpi -cycles 100 -ri 
restart.0 -ro /tmp/7972.fwnaeglingio/restart.0
Compute rate (processor-microseconds/cell/cycle):   28.788
Total memory usage:    38335.7656 MB (38.3358 GB)

Using MVAPICH, the performance is in the middle (23.6), but the memory usage is 
reduced by 5 to 6 GB out of 38 GB, a significant decrease to me.

/usr/mpi/intel/mvapich-1.1.0/bin/mpirun_rsh -ssh -np 28 -hostfile 
 MPI_ENVIRONMENT=1 /tmp/7972.fwnaeglingio/falconv4_ibm_mvapich -cycles 100 -ri 
restart.0 -ro /tmp/7972.fwnaeglingio/restart.0
Compute rate (processor-microseconds/cell/cycle):   23.608
Total memory usage:    32753.0586 MB (32.7531 GB)

I didn't see anything in the FAQ that discusses memory usage other than the 
impact of the "leave_pinned" option, which apparently does not affect the 
memory usage in my case.  But I figure there must be a justification why 
OpenMPI would use 6 GB more than MVAPICH on the same case.

Thanks for any insights.  Also attached is the output of ompi_info -a.

Attachment: ompi_info.output
Description: ompi_info.output

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