The short answer is that OMPI currently does not remap ranks during MPI_CART_CREATE, even if you pass reorder==1. :-\

The reason is because we've had very little requests to do so.

However, we do have the good foresight (if I do say so myself ;-) ) to make the MPI topology system be a plugin in Open MPI. The only plugin for this system is currently the "do nothing" plugin, but it would *not* be difficult to write one that actually did something meaningful in your torus.

If you're interested, I'd be happy to explain how to do it (and we should probably move to the devel list). OMPI doesn't require too much framework code; I would guess that the majority of the code would actually be implementing whatever algorithms you wanted for your torus. Heck, you could even write a blind-and-dumb algorithm that just looks up tables in files based on hostnames in your torus.

On Oct 23, 2009, at 7:54 AM, Luigi Scorzato wrote:

Hi everybody,

The short question is: How can I tell (open-)mpi about the HW
topology of my system?

The longer form is the following, I have a cluster which is
physically connected in a 3D torus topology (say 5x3x2). The nodes
have names: node_000, node_001, ... node_421. I can use a rankfile to
assign a fix MPI rank to each node. E.g:
rank 0 = node_000
rank 1 = node_001
rank 2 = node_010
However, in general, nothing forces e.g. MPI_Cart_create() to build
the 3D grid I want i.e. coord[node_ijk] =(i,j,k) rather than, say
coord[node_000] =(0,0,0), coord[node_001] =(1,0,0), coord[node_010] =
(2,0,0) ..., which would be wrongly mapped to the physical topology.

How can I bind at least MPI_Cart_create() to the topology I want? Of
course it would be nice to use an MPI-compliant procedure, if it
exists. If not, I am also happy with something that works at least
with some version of open-mpi.

Note: For some reason too long to explain I cannot rely on a system
that tests the the connections at the beginning. But the is no reason
to do these tests, since I know my topology exactly.

Thanks in advance for any help!
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Jeff Squyres

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