Please see my earlier response. This proposed solution will work, but may be
unstable as it (a) removes all of OMPI's internal variables, some of which
are required; and (b) also removes all the variables that might be needed by
your system. For example, envars directing the use of specific transports,
or defining buffer sizes, will all be removed from the subsequent execution.

So it can work - but may lead to surprising results. Definitely a "user
beware" method.



On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 2:34 AM, Per Madsen <> wrote:

>  Could your problem is related to the MCA parameter “contamination”
> problem, where the child MPI process inherits MCA environment variables from
> the parent process still exists.
> Back in 2007 I was implementing a program that solves two large
> interrelated systems of equations (+200.000.000 eq.) using PCG iteration.
> The program starts to iterate on the first system until a certain degree of
> convergence, then the master node executes a shell script which starts the
> parallel solver on the second system. Again the iteration is to certain
> degree of convergence, some parameters from solving the second system are
> stored in files. After the solving of the second system, the stored
> parameters are used in the solver for the first system. Both before and
> after the master node makes the system call the nodes are synchronized via
> calls of MPI_BARRIER.
> The program was hanging when the master node executed the shell script.
> I found that it was because MCA environment variables was inherited form
> the parent process, and solved the problem by adding the following to the
> script starting the second MPI program:
> for i in $(env | grep OMPI_MCA |sed 's/=/ /' | awk '{print $1}')
>   do
>     unset $i
>   done
> Med venlig hilsen / Regards
> *Per Madsen*
> Seniorforsker / Senior scientist
> Jordbrugsvidenskabelige Fakultet / Faculty of Agricultural Sciences*  Inst.
> for Genetik og Bioteknologi / Dept. of Genetics and Biotechnology  Blichers
> Allé 20, P.O. BOX 50  DK-8830 Tjele       Tel: +45 8999 1900  Direct: +45
> 8999 1216  Mobile: +45  E-mail:  Web:
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