
This is in relation to a problem I wrote to the list about several weeks ago - 
sorry for the delay (I've been working on other issues since then...). Anyways, 
I get an occasional crash in MPI_Isend, and the problem mainly occurs when I 
use more than 1 node, and more than 4 processors total. When I use e.g. 2 nodes 
with 16 processors, the problem happens all the time so the run never succeeds. 
In my last email to the list I included the error message I get for the crash, 
indicating the problem in MPI_Isend, with an 'address not mapped' message.

It seems the buffer which is passed is OK. I think the problem is caused by a 
conflict of types of 'com' (type MPI_Comm) used as the 6th argument of 

In my application, com is found by MPI_Comm_create as an MPI_Com -type and then 
converted to int -type. 

Then in the call to MPI_Isend, it is converted back to an MPI_Comm. 

When compiling, I get warnings, first where com is created as an MPI_Comm and 
changed to an int:
Warning:Cast from pointer to integer of different size 
And then when using MPI_Isend with the change from int to MPI_Comm:
Warning:Cast to pointer from integer of different size.

When I look in mpi.h I cannot find the definition of MPI_Comm.

I can probably solve the problem by NOT changing the type from MPI_Comm to int. 
However, I would like to understand the problem. I hope this description may 
give you an idea.

Iris Lohmann

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf 
Of Iris Pernille Lohmann
Sent: 04 November 2009 10:20
To: Open MPI Users
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] segmentation fault: Address not mapped

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for your reply.

There are no core files associated with the crash. Based on your answer, and 
the fact that the crash only appears occasionally, I think I need to debug more 
carefully as you suggest - it may very well be something not working completely 
right in the application. 

Thanks again, and thanks for all the help which is passed on through this list 
- it is very helpful and a lot of work.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf 
Of Jeff Squyres
Sent: 03 November 2009 03:19
To: Open MPI Users
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] segmentation fault: Address not mapped

Many thanks for all this information.  Unfortunately, it's not enough  
to know what's going on.  :-(

Do you know for sure that the application is correct?  E.g., is it  
possible that a bad buffer is being passed to MPI_Isend?  I note that  
it is fairly odd to fail in MPI_Isend itself because that function is  
actually pretty short -- it mainly checks parameters and then calls a  
back-end Open MPI function to actually do the send.

Do you get corefiles with the killed processes, and can you analyze  
where the application failed?  If so, can you verify that all state in  
the application appears to be correct?  It might be helpful to analyze  
exactly where the application failed (e.g., compile at least ompi/mpi/ 
c/isend.c with the -g flag so that you can get some debugging  
information about exactly where in MPI_Isend it failed -- like I said,  
it's a short function that mainly checks parameters).  You might want  
to have your application double check all the parameters that are  
passed to MPI_Isend, too.

On Oct 26, 2009, at 9:43 AM, Iris Pernille Lohmann wrote:

> Dear list members
> I am using openmpi 1.3.3 with OFED on a HP cluster with redhatLinux.
> Occasionally (not always) I get a crash with the following message:
> [hydra11:09312] *** Process received signal ***
> [hydra11:09312] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
> [hydra11:09312] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
> [hydra11:09312] Failing at address: 0xffffffffab5f30a8
> [hydra11:09312] [ 0] /lib64/ [0x3c1400e4c0]
> [hydra11:09312] [ 1] /home/ipl/openmpi-1.3.3/platforms/hp/lib/ 
> [0x2af1be45a3e3]
> [hydra11:09312] [ 2] ./flow(MP_SendReal+0x60) [0x6bc993]
> [hydra11:09312] [ 3] ./flow(SendRealsAlongFaceWithOffset_3D+0x4ab)  
> [0x68ba19]
> [hydra11:09312] [ 4] ./flow(MP_SendVertexArrayBlock+0x23d) [0x6891e1]
> [hydra11:09312] [ 5] ./flow(MB_CommAllVertex+0x65) [0x6848ba]
> [hydra11:09312] [ 6] ./flow(MB_SetupVertexArray+0xd5) [0x68c837]
> [hydra11:09312] [ 7] ./flow(MB_SetupGrid+0xa8) [0x68be51]
> [hydra11:09312] [ 8] ./flow(SetGrid+0x58) [0x446224]
> [hydra11:09312] [ 9] ./flow(main+0x148) [0x43b728]
> [hydra11:09312] [10] /lib64/  
> [0x3c1341d974]
> [hydra11:09312] [11] ./flow(__gxx_personality_v0+0xd9) [0x429b19]
> [hydra11:09312] *** End of error message ***
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> mpirun noticed that process rank 6 with PID 9312 on node hydra11  
> exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The crash does not appear always - sometimes the application runs  
> fine. However, it seems that the crash especially occurs when I run  
> on more than 1 node.
> I have consulted the archive of open-mpi and have found many error  
> messages of the same kind, but none from the 1.3.3 version, and none  
> of direct relevance.
> I would really appreciate comments on this. Below is the information  
> required according to the openmpi web,
> Config.log: attached (
> Open mpi was configured with prefix and with the path to openib, and  
> with the following compiler flags
> setenv CC gcc
> setenv CFLAGS '-O'
> setenv CXX g++
> setenv CXXFLAGS '-O'
> setenv F77 'gfortran'
> setenv FFLAGS '-O'
> ompi_info -all:
> attached
> The application (named flow) was launched on hydra11 by
> nohup mpirun -H hydra11,hydra12 -np 8 ./flow &
> the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH, hydra11 and hydra12:
> PATH=/home/ipl/openmpi-1.3.3/platforms/hp/bin
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH= /home/ipl/openmpi-1.3.3/platforms/hp/lib
> OpenFabrics version: 1.4
> Linux:
> X86_64-redhat-linux/3.4.6
> ibv_devinfo, hydra11: attached
> ibv_devinfo, hydra12: attached
> ifconfig, hydra11: attached
> ifconfig, hydra12: attached
> ulimit -l (hydra11): 6000000
> ulimit -l (hydra12): unlimited
> Furthermore, I can say that I have not specified any MCA parameters.
> The application which I am running  (named flow) is linked from  
> fortran, c and c++ libraries with the following:
> /home/ipl/openmpi-1.3.3/platforms/hp/bin/mpicc        -DMP - 
> DNS3_ARCH_LINUX -DLAPACK  -I/home/ipl/ns3/engine/include_forLinux -I/ 
> home/ipl/openmpi-1.3.3/platforms/hp/include    -c -o user_small_3D.o  
> user_small_3D.c
> rm -f flow
> /home/ipl/openmpi-1.3.3/platforms/hp/bin/mpicxx   -o flow   
> user_small_3D.o  -L/home/ipl/ns3/engine/lib_forLinux -lns3main - 
> lns3pars -lns3util -lns3vofl -lns3turb -lns3solv -lns3mesh -lns3diff  
> -lns3grid -lns3line -lns3data -lns3base -lfitpack -lillusolve - 
> lfftpack_small -lfenton -lns3air -lns3dens -lns3poro -lns3sedi - 
> llapack_small -lblas_small -lm -lgfortran  /home/ipl/ns3/engine/ 
> lib_Tecplot_forLinux/tecio64.a
> Please let me know if you need more info!
> Thanks in advance,
> Iris Lohmann
> Iris Pernille Lohmann
> MSc, PhD
> Ports & Offshore Technology (POT)
> <image001.gif>
> Agern Allé 5
> DK-2970 Hørsholm
> Denmark
> Tel:
> +45 4516 9200
> Direct:
> 45169427
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> < 
> config 
> .zip 
> > 
> < 
> ompi_info_all 
> .zip 
> > 
> < 
> ibv_devinfo_hydra11 
> .out 
> > 
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> users mailing list

Jeff Squyres

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