Rob Latham wrote:
If the other processors need header data, perhaps rank 0 can broadcast
it to everyone else?

That's what happens, when *reading* that file back to continue number-crunching. When writing, rank 0 is also the only one to write a header, and then each rank writes their parts of the matrices.

Is it OK to mention MPICH2 on this list?  I did prototype some MPI
extensions that allowed ROMIO to do true async I/O  (at least as far
as the underlying operating system supports it).   If you really need
to experiment with async I/O, I'd love to hear your experiences.

I don't really need to, I think. I can't say I have had any experience either. It would have been a great demo of real-world implementation and performance, but the convenience of the APIs themselves is good enough. I'll try and see how much split-collective operations will bring, performance-wise.


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