
openmpi-1.3.3 compiled with gcc-4.4.2


On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 16:24, Ralph Castain <> wrote:

> It really does help if we have some idea what OMPI version you are talking
> about, and on what kind of platform.
> This issue was fixed to the best of my knowledge (not all the pipes were
> getting closed), but I would have to look and see what release might contain
> the fix...would be nice to know where to start.
> On Dec 1, 2009, at 4:15 PM, Nicolas Bock wrote:
> After reading Anthony's question again, I am not sure now that we are
> having the same problem, but we might. In any case, the attached example
> programs trigger the issue of running out of pipes. I don't see how orted
> could, even if it was reused. There is only a very limited number of
> processes running at any given time. Once slave terminates, how would it
> still have open pipes? Shouldn't the total number of open files, or pipes,
> be very limited in this situation? And yet, after maybe 20 or so iterations
> in master.c, orted complains about running out of pipes.
> nick
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 16:08, Nicolas Bock <> wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> a while back in January of this year, a user (Anthony Thevenin) had the
>> problem of running out of open pipes when he tried to use MPI_Comm_spawn a
>> few times. As I the thread his started in the mailing list archives and have
>> just joined the mailing list myself, I unfortunately can't reply to the
>> thread. "The thread was titled: Doing a lot of spawns does not work with
>> ompi 1.3 BUT works with ompi 1.2.7".
>> The discussion stopped without really presenting a solution. Is the issue
>> brought up by Anthony fixed? We are running into the same problem.
>> Thanks, nick
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