I am having trouble with trace-enabled comilation of CG.W.8 benchmark
included in NAS Parallel Benchmark. As the makefile is dependent to other
files in the common directory, so obviously independent compiling of the
cg.f wouldn't work:
mpif77 -o cg_log cg.f -llmpe -lmpe
This is the makefile given with benchmark, Can I get any helpp in modifying
this file for the trace-enabled compiling
LLFLAG = -llmpe
LFLAG = -lmpe

include ../config/make.def

OBJS = cg.o ${COMMON}/print_results.o  \
       ${COMMON}/${RAND}.o ${COMMON}/timers.o

include ../sys/make.common

${PROGRAM}: config ${OBJS}

cg.o:        cg.f  mpinpb.h npbparams.h
    ${FCOMPILE} cg.f

    - rm -f *.o *~
    - rm -f npbparams.h core


Best Regards,
Pawan Acharya

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