hmmm, that's really strage, as the orted could be launched on remote machine, that means your WMI is working properly, and of course your settings are correct, but I don't know why the launched orted couldn't talk to the head node, and why the mpirun crashes. There could be other things causing the problem.

I'll try to find two Windows 7 machines and test again, and I'll let you know ASAP if I get something.


Charles Shuller wrote:
I get the same behavior regardless of which machine I execute mpirun from.

The security settings I altered were to add the user to both  DCOM
Access and Launch with all options set to allow.
In WMI, I add the user to the CIMV2 namespace and grant all permissions
except edit security.
Windows firewall is turned off on both machines.

Did I leave anything out?



On 2/2/2010 12:49 PM, Shiqing Fan wrote:
Hi Charles,

I've downloaded a fresh Open MPI 1.4.1 tarball, and built a clean
installer. After installing it onto two machines, everything worked
for me, I tested to launch notedpad and also other simple MPI
applications like barrier, they all worked. So there still might be
some settings got wrong on your environment.

Could you try to run the application on both machine locally? e.g.
"mpirun -np 2 app.exe", probably with full path to the application,
just to make sure that the application could be started locally on
each machine.  And try also "mpirun -np 2 -host host1,host2 app.exe"
from both machine, i.e. from both direction.


Charles Shuller wrote:
The connection between nodes should be TCP/IP.  I am currently using
Open MPI 1.4.1.

I've attached the output of ompi_info as a text file.


On 2/2/2010 11:46 AM, Shiqing Fan wrote:
Hi Charles,

It seems not a WMI problem, because the remote orted has already been
launched, and only that part was done by WMI.

What connection do you have between the nodes, tcp? Could you provide
the version information of Open MPI, or just the output of ompi_info?
so that I can take a close look.


Charles Shuller wrote:
No messages on the command prompt.

When I executed mpirun to launch notepad on the remote machine, It
crashes again.

No information is ever printed to the command line unless I enter a

The very first time I attempt to use mpirun to launch a process on the
remote machine, I get an indefinite hang (I let it run for several
yesterday).   Subsequently I get an abend dialog in about 3 seconds.

My MPI application (Which just calls init and finalize)  is at C:\bin
which is in the system path on both machines, this is also the bin
directory for the openmpi package.

Is there anyway I can turn on logging, or do I need to go through and
insert debug statements myself and recompile?



On 2/2/2010 11:17 AM, Shiqing Fan wrote:
Hi Charles,

On the local machine, which can be considered also as the "head
no orted will be launched, the mpirun itself works as it locally.

Did you see any error message on the command prompt? That would be
very helpful.

To do a simple test, just try to launch notepad on remote node:
-np 1 -host host1 notepad.exe ,  and this will do the same thing as
you run the wmic command line.

If that works, it might mean that, you didn't copy your MPI
application onto the remote node, which should present in the same
path as on all working nodes, for example, on working nodes, your
application could be placed at: D:\tests\app\app.exe (You have to do
so, because the wmi impersonate level doesn't support network share
yet. I'm still hacking on this to break the limit.). And then you can
run the mpirun command line supplied with the application full
path or
directly run it under the application path.


Charles Shuller wrote:
Thanks Shiqing!

Unfortunately, it still doesn't work, but I've got more info.

I can use wmic to start an application on the remote machine, but
that application does not start in the current login process
(notepad.exe starts, but I have to ask task manager to show all
processes to find it, even though I'm currently logged in as the
user).  I believe this is expected behavior, please let me know if
it's not.

When using mpirun, I can verify that orted starts on the remote
machine, but the crash or hang appears to happen before the
application starts execution.   Oddly, orted does not appear to
on the local machine.  Logs all refer to mpirun crashing.



On 1/29/2010 2:56 AM, Shiqing Fan wrote:
Hi Charles,

You don't need to install anything, but just a few security setting
has to be correctly configured. Here are two links might be helpful
(will be added into README.WINDOWS too):

On the other hand, in order to check if WMI is working between the
nodes, you can try with command:

    C:\>wmic /node: /user:username process call create

the ip has to be the remote computer ip address, and the user name
is which you use on remote computer. This command line will simply
launch a non-interactive notepad (no GUI) on remote node using WMI,
if it is successful, you should be able to see a notepad process in
Task Manager or Process Viewer, and that also means mpirun will
through WMI.

Could you check with the above command, and possibly tell me the
return value, so that I can help you to make it work.


Charles Shuller wrote:
When attempting to launch an application on both local and remote
windows7 hosts, mpirun either hangs indefinately or abends.

The application executes correctly on both machines, when only
on a single host.

I believe mpirun is using WMI, README.WINDOWS indicates that this
is the
case if I don't have the CCP toolkit and SDK installed, which I
don't.  Additionally, I have encountered and resolved some
following this assumption.

Any advice is welcome.  I'm not married to WMI, so if the
solution is
"install something else" I'm great with that.


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