No, I granted everything, clicked all the boxes.

In DCOMCNFG.exe, got to the COM Security tab, there are two "edit limits" sections, for Access Permissions and for Launch and Activation Permissions. I added myself as a user in both, and granted all 2 permissions in the first, and all 4 permissions in the second.

Charlie ...
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Windows: problems running on a second system.
From: Shiqing Fan <>
List-Post: Date: Tue, March 16, 2010 2:33 am
Cc: Open MPI Users <>


The lower case in the mpirun warning message shouldn't matter, as long
as the wmic launch doesn't work, mpirun doesn't neither.

According to your description, I think you missed some settings in
DCOMCNFG, that you probably have to grant the user "remote activation"
and "remote launch" permissions in the "launch and activation
permissions" section; the local/remote access permissions don't help.

Shiqing wrote:
> I went and did this in every conceivable combination of ways. I did
> the *DCOMCNFG* thing with both the launch and the remote access
> permissions, granting my local logon on each node everything. Then I
> did the namespaces with *wmimgmt.msc*, first on every object in both
> the CIMV2 (which had ms_409 and Applications branches) and DEFAULT
> (which had an ms_409 branch), and then on the CIMV2 and DEFAULT
> namespaces themselves, granting every checkbox permission.
> Nothing changed, same error code which is a "DCOM access denied" error.
> I noticed that the name mentioned in the error from mpirun is cimv2 in
> lower case, while the namespace in WMI security box is upper case
> CIMV2. Is that a problem?
> Charlie ...
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Windows: problems running on a second
> system.
> From: Shiqing Fan <>
> Date: Mon, March 15, 2010 3:18 am
> To:
> Cc: Open MPI Users <>
> Hi Johnson,
> I was trying to reproduce it, so that I could give you a direct
> solution. The problem might be the DCOM configure is not correct.
> Have
> you done it as described in this link:
> <>,
> you need
> give the user "remote activate" permission on namespace CIMV2 and
> Regards,
> Shiqing
> wrote:
> > Finally got a second development system procured and up and running.
> >
> > Got things working pretty wellon one node, installed on the
> second and
> > things work there.
> >
> > This may be a similar problem to Charles Shuller's a month ago,
> maybe
> > not. Tried to launch a program from node work on node work2:
> >
> > C:\prog\mon\debug>mpirun -npernode 1 -host work2
> > C:\prog\mon\examples\solvers\C\sjacobi.exe
> > connecting to work2
> > username:charles johnson
> > password:**********
> > Save Credential?(Y/N) y
> > [Work:03468] This feature hasn't been implemented yet.
> > [Work:03468] Could not connect to namespace cimv2 on node work2.
> Error
> > code =-2147024891
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > mpirun was unable to start the specified application as it
> encountered
> > an error.
> > More information may be available above.
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > So I tried some of the things you asked from him:
> >
> > C:\prog\mon\debug>wmic /node: /user:"charles johnson"
> > process call create notepad.exe
> > Enter the password :**********
> >
> > ERROR:
> > Description = Access is denied.
> >
> > Then I tried this:
> >
> > C:\prog\mon\debug>mpirun -np 1 -host work2 notepad.exe
> > connecting to work2
> > username:charles johnson
> > password:**********
> > Save Credential?(Y/N) n
> > [Work:03108] Could not connect to namespace cimv2 on node work2.
> Error
> > code =-2147024891
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > mpirun was unable to start the specified application as it
> encountered
> > an error.
> > More information may be available above.
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > My case may be simpler than his, some misconfiguration or something.
> >
> > As before: <openmpi-1.4.tar.gz>, built with <cmake-2.6.4-win32-x86>
> > using the VC++ info below (probably more than you want):
> >
> > Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
> > Version 8.0.50727.867 (vsvista.050727-8600)
> > Microsoft .NET Framework
> > Version 2.0.50727 SP2
> >
> > Installed Edition: Enterprise Architect
> >
> > Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 77637-163-9000005-41563
> > Microsoft Visual C++ 2005
> >
> > Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Software Architects -
> > ENU Service Pack 1 (KB926601)
> >
> > Security Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for
> > Software Architects - ENU (KB937061)
> >
> > Security Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for
> > Software Architects - ENU (KB971023)
> >
> > Security Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for
> > Software Architects - ENU (KB971090)
> >
> > Security Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for
> > Software Architects - ENU (KB973673)
> >
> > Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Software
> > Architects - ENU (KB932232)
> >
> > Thanks in advance for any kind help.
> >
> > C.S. Johnson
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > users mailing list
> >
> >
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Shiqing Fan
> High Performance Computing Tel.: +49 711 685 87234
> Center Stuttgart (HLRS) Fax.: +49 711 685 65832
> Address:Allmandring 30 email:
> 70569 Stuttgart

Shiqing Fan
High Performance Computing Tel.: +49 711 685 87234
Center Stuttgart (HLRS) Fax.: +49 711 685 65832
Address:Allmandring 30 email:
70569 Stuttgart

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