On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 12:24 PM, fengguang tian <ferny...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I am using open-mpi and blcr in a cluster of 3 machines, and the checkpoint
> and restart work fine in single machine,but when doing checkpoint in
> clusters environment, the ompi-checkpoint hangs

Besdies what has been said in another thread (regarding 1.4 and
checkpointing to shared directories), you might want to make sure your
app is terminated if you send a SIGTERM to it. Some apps might ignore
SIGTERM or handle it in a way that does not cause the apps to quit.

ompi-checkpoint --term is simply ompi-checkpoint + sending SIGTERM to
the application (not sure whether SIGTERM is sent to each process
individually or not).

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