I run a program with the following command line, and obtain the error message
mpirun -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/haoanyi1/socIntel/goto --prefix 
/home/haoanyi1/openmpi1.4.1 -np 2 -host intel01,intel02  -rf hosts ./main 62 62 
tests/ > newtest_64x64_np2_omp

[btl_tcp_endpoint.c:638:mca_btl_tcp_endpoint_complete_connect] connect() to failed: Connection refused (111)

In the hostsfile, I use following to do cpu mapping 
rank 0=intel01 slot=0
rank 1=intel02 slot=1

This file is different from the hosts file that I do with mpurun --hostfile 
hosts hostname, which reads like

2010-03-25 04:33:24, "Jeff Squyres" <jsquy...@cisco.com> wrote:

>Can you mpirun non-MPI applications, like "hostname"?  I frequently run this 
>as a first step to debugging a wonky install.  For example: > >shell$ hostname 
>>barney >shell$ mpirun hostname >barney >shell$ cat hosts >barney >rubble 
>>shell$ mpirun --hostfile hosts hostname >barney >rubble >shell$ > > >On Mar 
>24, 2010, at 4:28 PM, haoanyi wrote: > >> Hi,  >>  >> I installed OpenMPI1.4.1 
>as a non-root user on a cluster. It is totally OK when I run with mpirun or 
>mpiexec on one single node for many processes. However, when I lauch many 
>processes on multiple nodes, I can observe jobs are distributed to those nodes 
>(by using "top"), but all the jobs just hang there and cannot finish. >>  >> I 
>think the nodes use TCP to communicate with each other. This cluster also 
>provides MPICH2, which was configured by the sys admin., and has no problem to 
>do node communication in MPICH2. Besides, I read from some posts, which says 
>this may be caused by TCP firewall. Since I have no root's right, and I don't 
>know what shall request the admin. to do to fix this problem. So, can you tell 
>me how to do that either by the admin root or by the non-root user (if 
>possible)? >>  >> Thank you very much. >> Hao >>  >>  >> 
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>>--  >Jeff Squyres >jsquy...@cisco.com >For corporate legal information go to: 
>>http://www.cisco.com/web/about/doing_business/legal/cri/ > > 
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