Hi Damien,

I know there will be more problems, and your feedback is always helpful. :-)

Could you please provide me a Visual Studio solution file for MUMPS? I would like to test it a little.


On 2010-5-12 6:11 AM, Damien wrote:
Hi all,

Me again (poor Shiqing, I know...). I've been trying to get the MUMPS solver running on Windows with Open-MPI. I can only use the 1.5 branch because that has Fortran support on Windows and 1.4.2 doesn't. There's a couple of things going wrong:

First, calls to MPI_Initialized from Fortran report that MPI isn't initialised (MUMPS has a MPI_Initialized check). If I call MPI_Initialized from C or C++, it is initialized. I'm not sure what this means for MPI calls from Fortran, but it could be the cause of the second problem, which is: If I bypass the MPI_Initialized check in MUMPS, I can get the solver to start and run in one process. If I try and run 2 or more processes, all the processes ramp to 100% CPU in the first parallel section, and sit there with no progress. If I break in with the debugger, I can usually land on some MPI_IProbe calls, presumably looking for receives that don't exist, possibly because the Fortran MPI environment really isn't initialised. After many debugger break-ins, I end up in a small group of calls, so it's a loop waiting for something.

For reference, it was yesterday's 1.5 svn trunk, MUMPS 4.9.2, and Intel Math libraries, and a 32-bit build. MUMPS is Fortran 90/95 but uses the F77 MPI interfaces. It does run with MPICH2. I realise that 1.5 is a dev branch, so it might just be too early for this to work. I'd be grateful for suggestions though. I can build and test this on Linux if that would help narrow this down.

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