Hi Reuti,

I do no reset any environment variable during job submission or job handling.
Is there a simple way to check that openmpi is working as expected with SGE 
tight integration (as displaying environment variables, setting options on the 
command line, etc. ) ?


On Friday 21 May 2010 17:35:24 Reuti wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 21.05.2010 um 17:19 schrieb Eloi Gaudry:
> > Hi Reuti,
> > 
> > Yes, the openmpi binaries used were build after having used the
> > --with-sge during configure, and we only use those binaries on our
> > cluster.
> > 
> > [eg@moe:~]$ /opt/openmpi-1.3.3/bin/ompi_info
> > 
> >                 MCA ras: gridengine (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component
> >                 v1.3.3)
> ok. As you have a Tight Integration as goal and set in your PE
> "control_slaves TRUE", SGE wouldn't allow `qrsh -inherit ...` to nodes
> which are not in the list of granted nodes. So it looks, like your job is
> running outside of this Tight Integration with its own `rsh`or `ssh`.
> Do you reset $JOB_ID or other environment variables in your jobscript,
> which could trigger Open MPI to assume that it's not running inside SGE?
> -- Reuti
> > On Friday 21 May 2010 16:01:54 Reuti wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> Am 21.05.2010 um 14:11 schrieb Eloi Gaudry:
> >>> Hi there,
> >>> 
> >>> I'm observing something strange on our cluster managed by SGE6.2u4 when
> >>> launching a parallel computation on several nodes, using OpenMPI/SGE
> >>> tight- integration mode (OpenMPI-1.3.3). It seems that the SGE
> >>> allocated slots are not used by OpenMPI, as if OpenMPI was doing is
> >>> own
> >>> round-robin allocation based on the allocated node hostnames.
> >> 
> >> you compiled Open MPI with --with-sge (and recompiled your
> >> applications)? You are using the correct mpiexec?
> >> 
> >> -- Reuti
> >> 
> >>> Here is what I'm doing:
> >>> - launch a parallel computation involving 8 processors, using for each
> >>> of them 14GB of memory. I'm using a qsub command where i request
> >>> memory_free resource and use tight integration with openmpi
> >>> - 3 servers are available:
> >>> . barney with 4 cores (4 slots) and 32GB
> >>> . carl with 4 cores (4 slots) and 32GB
> >>> . charlie with 8 cores (8 slots) and 64GB
> >>> 
> >>> Here is the output of the allocated nodes (OpenMPI output):
> >>> ======================   ALLOCATED NODES   ======================
> >>> 
> >>> Data for node: Name: charlie   Launch id: -1 Arch: ffc91200  State: 2
> >>> 
> >>> Daemon: [[44332,0],0] Daemon launched: True
> >>> Num slots: 4  Slots in use: 0
> >>> Num slots allocated: 4  Max slots: 0
> >>> Username on node: NULL
> >>> Num procs: 0  Next node_rank: 0
> >>> 
> >>> Data for node: Name: carl.fft    Launch id: -1 Arch: 0 State: 2
> >>> 
> >>> Daemon: Not defined Daemon launched: False
> >>> Num slots: 2  Slots in use: 0
> >>> Num slots allocated: 2  Max slots: 0
> >>> Username on node: NULL
> >>> Num procs: 0  Next node_rank: 0
> >>> 
> >>> Data for node: Name: barney.fft    Launch id: -1 Arch: 0 State: 2
> >>> 
> >>> Daemon: Not defined Daemon launched: False
> >>> Num slots: 2  Slots in use: 0
> >>> Num slots allocated: 2  Max slots: 0
> >>> Username on node: NULL
> >>> Num procs: 0  Next node_rank: 0
> >>> 
> >>> =================================================================
> >>> 
> >>> Here is what I see when my computation is running on the cluster:
> >>> #     rank       pid          hostname
> >>> 
> >>>        0     28112          charlie
> >>>        1     11417          carl
> >>>        2     11808          barney
> >>>        3     28113          charlie
> >>>        4     11418          carl
> >>>        5     11809          barney
> >>>        6     28114          charlie
> >>>        7     11419          carl
> >>> 
> >>> Note that -the parallel environment used under SGE is defined as:
> >>> [eg@moe:~]$ qconf -sp round_robin
> >>> pe_name            round_robin
> >>> slots              32
> >>> user_lists         NONE
> >>> xuser_lists        NONE
> >>> start_proc_args    /bin/true
> >>> stop_proc_args     /bin/true
> >>> allocation_rule    $round_robin
> >>> control_slaves     TRUE
> >>> job_is_first_task  FALSE
> >>> urgency_slots      min
> >>> accounting_summary FALSE
> >>> 
> >>> I'm wondering why OpenMPI didn't use the allocated nodes chosen by SGE
> >>> (cf. "ALLOCATED NODES" report) but instead allocate each job of the
> >>> parallel computation at a time, using a round-robin method.
> >>> 
> >>> Note that I'm using the '--bynode' option in the orterun command line.
> >>> If the behavior I'm observing is simply the consequence of using this
> >>> option, please let me know. This would eventually mean that one need
> >>> to state that SGE tight- integration has a lower priority on orterun
> >>> behavior than the different command line options.
> >>> 
> >>> Any help would be appreciated,
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> Eloi
> >> 
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Eloi Gaudry

Free Field Technologies
Axis Park Louvain-la-Neuve
Rue Emile Francqui, 1
B-1435 Mont-Saint Guibert

Company Phone: +32 10 487 959
Company Fax:   +32 10 454 626

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