On May 16, 2010, at 5:21 AM, Aleksej Saushev wrote:

> http://cvsweb.netbsd.org/bsdweb.cgi/pkgsrc/parallel/openmpi/patches/

Sorry for the high latency reply...

aa: We haven't added RPATH support yet.  We've talked about it but never done 
it.  There are some in OMPI who insist that rpath support needs to be optional. 
 A full patch solution would be appreciated.

ab: This should now be moot on the dev trunk as of r23158.  It won't go to 
v1.4, but it is slated for the v1.5 series.  I was waiting for your reply to my 
off-list pings on testing this stuff before I filed a v1.5 CMR, but I just went 
ahead and filed one anyway: https://svn.open-mpi.org/trac/ompi/ticket/2423.

ac: ditto to ab

ad: ditto to ab

ae: ditto to ab

af: ditto to ab -- but I might have missed this one.  Can you test?

ag: ditto to ab -- but I might have missed this one.  Can you test?

ah: this should be applied -- did we miss it?  Gah!  I just checked and it 
didn't go.  What the heck happened here... (checking)  I see that it went into 
v1.5.  It supposedly went into v1.4 in r22890.  ....gahh!  It looks like the 
commit message on r22890 *says* it put in r22640, but it didn't actually *do* 
it.  :-(

ag: should be moot by ab, above.

ai: I think you explained this to me before, but I forget (sorry!).  These are 
actually configuration files, not example files.  Hence, we install them into 
sysconfdir.  Is this a difference of definitions, somehow?  (i.e., what you 
define as usage policies for exampledir and sysconfdir)

aj: ditto to ai

ak: ditto to ai

Jeff Squyres
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