Hey Open MPI wizards,

I'm trying to debug something in my library that gets loaded into my mpi processes when they are started via mpirun. With other MPIs, I've been able to deliver SIGUSR2 to the process and trigger some debug code I have in my library that sets up a handler for SIGUSR2. However, when I deliver SIGUSR2 to my process running under OMPI, the process just dies and mpirun logs this:

mpirun noticed that process rank 0 with PID 13568 on node hpc-cn2 exited on signal 12 (User defined signal 2).

Is there any way to allow SIGUSR2 to reach my library handler?

Does OMPI use SIGUSR1/2 for other purposes?

Is there some other clever way I can kick my library at runtime to dump its debug code? Like maybe interface with the MPI debug code somehow so things like padb could trigger this debug logic?

Thanks in advance,


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