Prentice Bisbal wrote:
Ashley Pittman wrote:
This smacks of a firewall issue, I thought you'd said you weren't using one but 
now I read back your emails I can't see anywhere where you say that.  Are you 
running a flrewall or any iptables rules on any of the nodes?  It looks to me 
like you may have some setup from on the worker nodes.


I agree with Ashley. To make sure it's not an IP tables or SELinux
problem on one of the nodes, run these two commands on all teh nodes and
then try again:

service iptables stop
setenforce 0

This fix worked. Delving in deeper, it turns out that there was a typo in the iptables file for the nodes: they were accepting all traffic on eth1 instead of eth0. Only the master has an eth1 port. When I checked the tables earlier, I didn't notice the discrepancy.

Thank you all so much!


Dr. Ethan Deneault
Assistant Professor of Physics
University of Tampa
Tampa, FL 33615
Office: (813) 257-3555

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