
It sounds like you have more workers than you can keep fed. Workers are 
finishing up and requesting their next assignment but sit idle because 
there are so many other idle workers too.

Load balance does not really matter if the choke point is the master.  The 
work is being done as fast as the master can hand it out.

Consider using fewer workers and seeing if your load balance improves and 
your total thruput stays the same. If you want to use all the workers you 
have efficiently, you need to find a way to make the master deliver 
assignments as fast as workers finish them. 

Compute processes do not care about fairness. Having half the processes 
busy 100% of the time and the other half idle  vs. having all the 
processes busy 50% of the time gives the same thruput and the hard workers 
will not complain. 

Dick Treumann  -  MPI Team 
IBM Systems & Technology Group
Dept X2ZA / MS P963 -- 2455 South Road -- Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Tele (845) 433-7846         Fax (845) 433-8363

Mikael Lavoie <>
Open MPI Users <>
09/23/2010 05:08 PM
Re: [OMPI users] "self scheduled" work & mpi receive???
Sent by:

Hi Ambrose,

I'm interested in you work, i have a app to convert for myself and i don't 
know enough the MPI structure and syntaxe to make it...

So if you wanna share your app i'm interested in taking a look at it!! 

Thanks and have a nice day!!

Mikael Lavoie
2010/9/23 Lewis, Ambrose J. <>
Hi All:
I’ve written an openmpi program that “self schedules” the work.  
The master task is in a loop chunking up an input stream and handing off 
jobs to worker tasks.  At first the master gives the next job to the next 
highest rank.  After all ranks have their first job, the master waits via 
an MPI receive call for the next free worker.  The master parses out the 
rank from the MPI receive and sends the next job to this node.  The jobs 
aren’t all identical, so they run for slightly different durations based 
on the input data.
When I plot a histogram of the number of jobs each worker performed, the 
lower mpi ranks are doing much more work than the higher ranks.  For 
example, in a 120 process run, rank 1 did 32 jobs while rank 119 only did 
2.  My guess is that openmpi returns the lowest rank from the MPI Recv 
when I’ve got MPI_ANY_SOURCE set and multiple sends have happened since 
the last call.
Is there a different Recv call to make that will spread out the data 

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