Am 07.10.2010 um 01:55 schrieb David Turner:

> Hi,
> We would like to set process memory limits (vmemoryuse, in csh
> terms) on remote processes.  Our batch system is torque/moab.

Isn't it possible to set this up in torque/moab directly? In SGE I would simply 
define h_vmem and it's per slot then; and with a tight integration all Open MPI 
processes will be children of sge_execd and the limit will be enforced.

-- Reuti

> The nodes of our cluster each have 24GB of physical memory, of
> which 4GB is taken up by the kernel and the root file system.
> Note that these are diskless nodes, so no swap either.
> We can globally set the per-process limit to 2.5GB.  This works
> fine if applications run "packed":  8 MPI tasks running on each
> 8-core node, for an aggregate limit of 20GB.  However, if a job
> only wants to run 4 tasks, the soft limit can safely be raised
> to 5GB.  2 tasks, 10GB.  1 task, the full 20GB.
> Upping the soft limit in the batch script itself only affects
> the "head node" of the job.  Since limits are not part of the
> "environment", I can find no way propagate them to remote nodes.
> If I understand how this all works, the remote processes are
> started by orted, and therefore inherit its limits.  Is there
> any sort of orted configuration that can help here?  Any other
> thoughts about how to approach this?
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Best regards,
> David Turner
> User Services Group        email:
> NERSC Division             phone: (510) 486-4027
> Lawrence Berkeley Lab        fax: (510) 486-4316
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