
i am still trying to understand the parallelized version of the heat
equation 2D solving that we saw at school. In order to explain my problem, i
need to list the main code :

  9       program heat
 11 !
 12 !   This program solves the heat equation on the unit square [0,1]x[0,1]
 13 !        | du/dt - Delta(u) = 0
 14 !        |  u/gamma = cste
 15 !   by implementing a explicit scheme.
 16 !   The discretization is done using a 5 point finite difference scheme
 17 !   and the domain is decomposed into sub-domains.
 18 !   The PDE is discretized using a 5 point finite difference scheme
 19 !   over a (x_dim+2)*(x_dim+2) grid including the end points
 20 !   correspond to the boundary points that are stored.
 21 !
 22 !   The data on the whole domain are stored in
 23 !   the following way :
 24 !
 25 !    y
 26 !           ------------------------------------
 27 !    d      |                                  |
 28 !    i      |                                  |
 29 !    r      |                                  |
 30 !    e      |                                  |
 31 !    c      |                                  |
 32 !    t      |                                  |
 33 !    i      | x20                              |
 34 !    o /\   |                                  |
 35 !    n  |   | x10                              |
 36 !       |   |                                  |
 37 !       |   | x00  x01 x02 ...                 |
 38 !       |   ------------------------------------
 39 !        -------> x direction  x(*,j)
 40 !
 41 !   The boundary conditions are stored in the following submatrices
 42 !
 43 !
 44 !        x(1:x_dim, 0)          ---> left   temperature
 45 !        x(1:x_dim, x_dim+1)    ---> right  temperature
 46 !        x(0, 1:x_dim)          ---> top    temperature
 47 !        x(x_dim+1, 1:x_dim)    ---> bottom temperature
 48 !
 50       implicit none
 51       include 'mpif.h'
 52 ! size of the discretization
 53       integer :: x_dim, nb_iter
 54       double precision, allocatable :: x(:,:),b(:,:),x0(:,:)
 55       double precision  :: dt, h, epsilon
 56       double precision  :: resLoc, result, t, tstart, tend
 57 !
 58       integer :: i,j
 59       integer :: step, maxStep
 60       integer :: size_x, size_y, me, x_domains,y_domains
 61       integer :: iconf(5), size_x_glo
 62       double precision conf(2)
 63 !
 64 ! MPI variables
 65       integer :: nproc, infompi, comm, comm2d, lda, ndims
 66       INTEGER, DIMENSION(2)  :: dims
 67       LOGICAL, DIMENSION(2)  :: periods
 68       LOGICAL, PARAMETER     :: reorganisation = .false.
 69       integer :: row_type
 70       integer, parameter :: nbvi=4
 71       integer, parameter :: S=1, E=2, N=3, W=4
 72       integer, dimension(4) :: neighBor
 74 !
 75       intrinsic abs
 76 !
 77 !
 78       call MPI_INIT(infompi)
 79       comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
 80       call MPI_COMM_SIZE(comm,nproc,infompi)
 81       call MPI_COMM_RANK(comm,me,infompi)
 82 !
 83 !
 84       if (me.eq.0) then
 85           call readparam(iconf, conf)
 86       endif
 87       call MPI_BCAST(iconf,5,MPI_INTEGER,0,comm,infompi)
 88       call MPI_BCAST(conf,2,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,comm,infompi)
 89 !
 90       size_x    = iconf(1)
 91       size_y    = iconf(1)
 92       x_domains = iconf(3)
 93       y_domains = iconf(4)
 94       maxStep   = iconf(5)
 95       dt        = conf(1)
 96       epsilon   = conf(2)
 97 !
 98       size_x_glo = x_domains*size_x+2
 99       h      = 1.0d0/dble(size_x_glo)
100       dt     = 0.25*h*h
101 !
102 !
103       lda = size_y+2
104       allocate(x(0:size_y+1,0:size_x+1))
105       allocate(x0(0:size_y+1,0:size_x+1))
106       allocate(b(0:size_y+1,0:size_x+1))
107 !
108 ! Create 2D cartesian grid
109       periods(:) = .false.
111       ndims = 2
112       dims(1)=x_domains
113       dims(2)=y_domains
114       CALL MPI_CART_CREATE(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ndims, dims, periods, &
115         reorganisation,comm2d,infompi)
116 !
117 ! Identify neighbors
118 !
119       NeighBor(:) = MPI_PROC_NULL
120 ! Left/West and right/Est neigbors
121       CALL MPI_CART_SHIFT(comm2d,0,1,NeighBor(W),NeighBor(E),infompi)
123       print *,'mpi_proc_null=', MPI_PROC_NULL
124       print *,'rang=', me
125       print *, 'ici premier mpi_cart_shift : neighbor(w)=',NeighBor(W)
126       print *, 'ici premier mpi_cart_shift : neighbor(e)=',NeighBor(E)
128 ! Bottom/South and Upper/North neigbors
129       CALL MPI_CART_SHIFT(comm2d,1,1,NeighBor(S),NeighBor(N),infompi)
132       print *, 'ici deuxieme mpi_cart_shift : neighbor(s)=',NeighBor(S)
133       print *, 'ici deuxieme mpi_cart_shift : neighbor(n)=',NeighBor(N)
137 !
138 ! Create row data type to coimmunicate with South and North neighbors
139 !
140       CALL MPI_TYPE_VECTOR(size_x, 1, size_y+2, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
141       CALL MPI_TYPE_COMMIT(row_type, infompi)
142 !
143 ! initialization
144 !
145       call initvalues(x0, b, size_x+1, size_x )
146 !
147 ! Update the boundaries
148 !
149       call updateBound(x0,size_x,size_x, NeighBor, comm2d, row_type)
151       step = 0
152       t    = 0.0
153 !
154       tstart = MPI_Wtime()
155 ! REPEAT
156  10   continue
157 !
158          step = step + 1
159          t    = t + dt
160 ! perform one step of the explicit scheme
161          call Explicit(x0,x,b, size_x+1, size_x, size_x, dt, h, resLoc)
162 ! update the partial solution along the interface
163          call updateBound(x0,size_x,size_x, NeighBor, comm2d, row_type)
164 ! Check the distance between two iterates
165          call MPI_ALLREDUCE(resLoc,result,1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
166          result= sqrt(result)
167 !
168          if (me.eq.0) write(*,1002) t,result
169 !
170        if ((result.gt.epsilon).and.(step.lt.maxStep)) goto 10
171 !
172 ! UNTIL "Convergence"
173 !
174        tend = MPI_Wtime()
175        if (me.eq.0) then
176          write(*,*)
177          write(*,*) ' Convergence after ', step,' steps '
178          write(*,*) '      Problem size              ',
179          write(*,*) ' Wall Clock                     ', tend-tstart
181 !
182 ! Print the solution at each point of the grid
183 !
184          write(*,*)
185          write(*,*) ' Computed solution '
186          write(*,*)
187          do 30, j=size_x+1,0,-1
188             write(*,1000)(x0(j,i),i=0,size_x+1)
189  30      continue
190        endif
191 !
192       call MPI_FINALIZE(infompi)
193 !
194       deallocate(x)
195       deallocate(x0)
196       deallocate(b)
197 !
198 ! Formats available to display the computed values on the grid
199 !
200 1000  format(100(1x, f7.3))
201 1001  format(100(1x, e7.3))
202 1002   format(' At time ',E8.2,' Norm ', E8.2)
204 !
205       stop
206       end
207 !

The routine "Explicit" at line 161 allows to compute  the domain 2D ( the
values of Temperature are stocked in vector "x" : x(1:size_x,1:size_y)) with
the following scheme :

! The stencil of the explicit operator for the heat equation
! on a regular rectangular grid using a five point finite difference
! scheme in space is
!                     |                + 1
!                     |
!dt/(h*h) *      | +1      -4 + h*h/dt                   + 1    |
!                     |
!                     |               + 1
      diag = - 4.0 + h*h/dt
      weight =  dt/(h*h)
! perform an explicit update on the points within the domain
        do 20, j=1,size_x
          do 30, i=1,size_y
             x(i,j) = weight *( x0(i-1,j) + x0(i+1,j)  &
                        + x0(i,j-1) + x0(i,j+1) +x0(i,j)*diag)
 30       continue
 20     continue


The routine "updateBound" updates the bound values like this :

  1 !*******************************************************************
  2 SUBROUTINE updateBound(x, size_x, size_y, NeighBor, comm2d, row_type)
  4 !*****************************************************************
  5    include 'mpif.h'
  6 !
  7   INTEGER size_x, size_y
  8 !Iterate
  9   double precision,  dimension(0:size_y+1,0:size_x+1) :: x
 10 !Type row_type
 11   INTEGER :: row_type
 12   integer, parameter :: nbvi=4
 13   integer, parameter :: S=1, E=2, N=3, W=4
 14   integer, dimension(4) :: neighBor
 15 !
 16   INTEGER  :: infompi, comm2d
 17   INTEGER :: flag
 20 !********* North/South communication
 21   flag = 1
 22   !Send my boundary to North and receive from South
 23   CALL MPI_SENDRECV(x(size_y, 1), 1, row_type ,neighBor(N),flag, &
 24                      x(0,1), 1, row_type,neighbor(S),flag, &
 25                      comm2d, status, infompi)
 27   !Send my boundary to South and receive from North
 28   CALL MPI_SENDRECV(x(1,1), 1, row_type ,neighbor(S),flag, &
 29                      x(size_y+1,1), 1, row_type ,neighbor(N),flag, &
 30                      comm2d, status, infompi)
 32 !********* Est/West communication ************************************
 33   flag = 2
 34   !Send my boundary to West and receive from Est
 35   CALL MPI_SENDRECV(x(1,1),  size_y, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, neighbor(W),
flag, &
 36                      x(1, size_x+1),  size_y,
MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,neighbor(E), flag, &
 37                      comm2d, status, infompi)
 39   !Send my boundary to Est and receive from West
 40   CALL MPI_SENDRECV( x(1,size_x), size_y, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,
neighbor(E), flag, &
 41                      x(1,0),size_y, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, neighbor(W),
flag, &
 42                      comm2d, status, infompi)
 44 END SUBROUTINE updateBound


I am confused between the shift of the values near to the bounds done by the
"updateBound" routine  and the main loop (at line 161 in main code)  which
calls the routine "Explicit".
For a given process (say number 1) ( i use 4 here for execution), i send to
the east process (3) the penultimate column left column, to the north
process (0) the penultimate row top ,and to the others (mpi_proc_null=-2)
the penultimate right column and the bottom row. But how the 4  processes
are synchronous ? I don't understand too why all the processes go through
the solving piece of code calling the "Explicit" routine.

Here'i the sequential version of this simulation :

 49       program heat
 50       implicit none
 51 ! size of the discretization
 52       integer size_x, maxStep
 53       integer lda
 54       double precision, allocatable:: x(:,:),b(:,:), x0(:,:)
 55       double precision dt, h, result, epsilon
 57 ! index loop
 58       integer i,j, step
 59       double precision t
 60 !
 61       intrinsic abs
 62 !
 63 !
 64       print *,' Size of the square '
 65       read(*,*) size_x
 66       h       = 1.0/(size_x+1)
 67       dt      = 0.25*h*h
 68       maxStep = 100
 69       print *, 'Max. number of steps '
 70       read(*,*) maxStep
 71       epsilon = 1.d-8
 72 !
 73       allocate(x(0:size_x+1,0:size_x+1))
 74       allocate(x0(0:size_x+1,0:size_x+1))
 75       allocate(b(0:size_x+1,0:size_x+1))
 76 !
 77 !
 78 ! initialization
 79 !
 80       call initvalues(x0, b, size_x+1, size_x )
 81 !
 82       step = 0
 83       t    = 0.0
 84 ! REPEAT
 85  10   continue
 86 !
 87          step = step + 1
 88          t    = t + dt
 89 !
 90          call Explicit(x0, x, b, size_x+1, size_x, size_x, dt, &
 91             h, result)
 92          result = sqrt(result)
 93        if ((result.gt.epsilon).and.(step.lt.maxStep)) goto 10
 94 !
 95         write(*,*)
 96         write(*,*) ' Convergence after ', step,' steps '
 97         write(*,*) '      Problem size              ',  size_x*size_x
 98 !


Sorry for this long post but i would like to clarify my problem as much as
it was possible.

Any explanation would help me.

Thanks in advance

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