Jack Bryan wrote:
> Hi, 
> In my Open MPI program, one master sends data to 3 workers.
> Two workers can receive their data. 
> But, the third  worker can not get their data. 
> Before sending data, the master sends a head information to each worker
> receiver 
> so that each worker knows what the following data package is. (such as
> length, package tag).
> The third worker can get its head information message from master but
> cannot get its correct 
> data package. 
> It got the data that should be received by first worker, which get its
> correct data. 


Providing the relevant sections of code here would be very helpful.

<inside joke>
I would tell you to add some printf statements to your code to see what
data is stored in your variables on the master before it sends them to
each node, but Jeff Squyres and I agreed to disagree in a civil manner
on that debugging technique earlier this week, and I'd hate to re-open
those old wounds by suggesting that technique here. ;)
</inside joke>


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