
I'm using Mellanox infiniband network card and trying to run it with
The problem is that I can connect and communicate between nodes, but I'm not
sure whether it is in a correct state or not.

I have two version of openmpi, one is compiled with mca-btl-openib and the
other is without btl-openib.(I checked it in ompi_info)
And my jobs are running well using the openmpi without btl-openib,
but when I run the exactly same job using openmpi with btl-openmpi, I meet
the  following error.

*   mlx4: There is a mismatch between the kernel and the userspace
libraries: Kernel does not support XRC. Exiting.*

and the following is written in another log file
*   CMA: unable to open RDMA device*

What I'm thinking is that the infiniband card is installed but it doesn't
work in correct mode.
My linux kernel version is *2.6.18-164.el5*, and installed ofed
version is *kernel-ib-pp-1.4.1-ofed20090528r1.4.1sgi605r1.rhel5



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