Please note that this is an English-speaking list.  I don't know if Tim speaks 
?Spanish?, but I unfortunately don't.  :-)

Also note that I asked for some specific information, but you ignored it when 
you replied.  Please see the following web page:

On Nov 29, 2010, at 5:03 PM, Maurício Rodrigues wrote:

> senhor Tim Prince, 
> Gostaria de agradecer o email  que me enviou sobre openmpi, na verdade, estou 
> tentando compilar o Regcm 4, e quando uso o comando, make regcm, aparece um 
> erro "mpif90" por isso fui em busca da solução do problema do openmpi,utilizo 
> um computador de plataforma 64 bits com sistema operacional ubuntu 10, nao 
> consigo instalar de forma alguma o open, faço passo a passo.
> 1- ./configure FC=ifort F77=ifort CC=icc CXX=icpc
> 2-make all
> 3 sudo make install all
> os passos 1 e 2 operam normalmente, mas quando uso o comando make install 
> aparece o erro que nao consigo solucionar.
> se tiver alguma idéia sobre isso, por favor me ajude.
> obrigado
> 2010/11/29 Tim Prince <>
> On 11/29/2010 11:31 AM, Gus Correa wrote:
> Hi Mauricio
> Check if you have icc (in the Intel compiler bin directory/subdirectories).
> Check also if it is in your PATH environment variable.
> "which icc" will tell.
> If not, add it to PATH.
> Actually, the right way to do it
> is to run the Intel scripts to set the whole compiler environment,
> not only PATH.
> The scripts should be called something like iccvars.csh for C/C++ 
> and  ifortvars.csh for Fortran, and are also in the Intel bin 
> directory.
> You can source these scripts in your .cshrc/.bashrc file,
> using the correct shell (.sh if you use [ba]sh, .csh if you use [t]csh).
> This is in the Intel compiler documentation, take a look.
> For the icc version mentioned, there is a compilervars.[c]sh which takes care 
> of both C++ and Fortran (if present), as do either of the iccvars or 
> ifortvars, when the compilers are installed in the same directory.
> Also, you can compile OpenMPI with gcc,g++ and gfortran, if you want.
> If they are not yet installed in your Ubuntu, you can get them with apt-get, 
> or whatever Ubuntu uses to get packages.
> icc ought to work interchangeably with gcc, provided the same g++ version is 
> always on PATH. icc doesn't work without the g++.  Thus, it is entirely 
> reasonable to build openmpi with gcc and use either gcc or icc to build the 
> application.  gfortran and ifort, however, involve incompatible run-time 
> libraries, and the openmpi fortran libraries won't be interchangeable.
> You must take care not to mix 32- and 64-bit compilers/libraries.  Normally 
> you would build everything 64-bit, both openmpi and the application.  Ubuntu 
> doesn't follow the standard scheme for location of 32-bit vs. 64-bit 
> compilers and libraries, but the Intel compiler version you mentioned should 
> resolve this automatically.
> -- 
> Tim Prince
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> users mailing list
> -- 
> Maurício Paulo Rodrigues
> Bacharelando em Física 
> Universidade Federal de Viçosa
> Mobile- (32)-9972 2239
> e-mail alternativo 
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